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Sacrificial Concepts

Sacrificial concepts are fictional, exploratory ideas designed to provoke reactions and spark conversations during design research. Unlike prototypes intended for validation, these concepts are intentionally rough and not representative of actual products or solutions. Their purpose is to elicit user feedback—helping us understand preferences, pain points, and mental models that might not surface through direct questioning.

The interview participants were presented with the following sacrificial concepts: 

Fraud Roko – Safety first, scams never* 

An alert system that would warn you while receiving calls or messages from suspicious sources that might likely land in you in a scam.  

FinGPT – Your financial AI chatbot* 

A co-pilot that would assist you with all your financial queries – for example, how to start saving, where to save, how to achieve your financial goals and so on. Your very own financial advisor, at your fingertips.  

Spendblock – Crossed your limit? We lock it tight*  

A provision to lock your account in case you exceed the spending limit you had set for yourself in the beginning of the month.  

Save Hero – Gamify your goals, reward your wallet* 

A tool that helps you to set a financial goal and save consistently. As your savings grow, your savings avatar grows simultaneously, providing you with the visual motivation to keep saving. You gain access to rewards and cashbacks upon reaching various savings milestones.  

SaveItUp – Save together, grow together*  

This is a way to save money with your friends. A leaderboard will tell you who saved the most in the previous month. This helps in case you and your friends are planning to save up for a trip together. Saving together will potentially act as a boost to achieve the goal quickly.  

Tinder for lenders – Compare, swipe, save!* 

A platform that can help you with recommendations for loans based on your requirements and credit capabilities. You can match with the lender offering the best deals, as per your needs.  

FIRE (Financial independence, retire early) tracker – Your retirement blueprint in real-time* 

If you have a retirement year in mind, this tracker will help you with recommendations to get there, in the best way possible while providing you with real-time updates.  

Guilty Gains – Turn your guilt into goals*  

A platform that will send you provocative notifications to make you feel guilty about the money you spent on junk food, and so on and motivate you to save or invest more.  

*These concepts are purely fictional and were used solely for research purposes. They do not represent actual products, solutions, or endorsements by RBIH.